Thursday, February 20, 2020

Love is in the Air

February can be such a fraught month in middle school. Kids who are barely understand their own romantic inklings are vibrating with excitement or stress over Valentine's day and what it means to have or not have a sweetheart. Seems a good time to talk about what I love about my middle schoolers.

After all, most of the time when I tell people I teach middle school, a look of horror crosses their face before they shudder and say something like, "Oh my. You must be a saint." We all remember how hard it was to be 11-14 years old.

  1. As a middle school Spanish teacher, I get to teach many of these children for three years (as 6th graders, 7th graders, and 8th graders). That means I get to see them progress with my own eyes and know when lessons have taken root. 
  2. They are never boring. Middle schoolers definitely bring a chaos element into my life, but that's the fun part, too. 
  3. They're old enough to take care of their own personal needs (this is why I don't teach elementary school).
  4. They are hilarious, especially when they're not trying to be funny. 
  5. They are honest. Sometimes it hurts, but they don't "blow smoke"the way adults often do.
  6. They're so happy when they "get" something that they didn't previously understand. We should all remember to celebrate new insights with this kind of enthusiasm. 
  7. I can have such an impact! It's a powerful and sometimes terrifying thought that my small interactions with these kiddos can help shape the people they become and the attitudes they hold. Relationships are so key during these years!
  8. They are so very curious. Maybe not always about the things you're trying to teach . . . but they have this restless energy surrounding the world and all there is to experience in it. Even the "jaded" ones still perk up when you hit the right subject. 
  9. Quirky dress. Where else do you work with people who wear top hats un-ironically one day and a Bubble Guppies shirt the next day? They know they look awesome in both. (and they're right). 
  10. They teach me so much! I'm pretty hip for a nearly 50 year old in some ways. The kids keep me informed about what social trends matter and what the newest slang actually means and they love being the one to teach me something I don't know. 

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