Thursday, December 2, 2021

Teaching Underwater

Time has gone wonky since the pandemic began, hasn't it? I'm having trouble remembering when things happened, and part of my brain is absolutely sure that it's still 2020, even though now it's nearly 2022. 

School, which has always been a high pressure, has so much pressure these days that I risk getting the bends when I leave and go back home. 

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Actually scuba diving isn't a bad metaphor for this school year. I have to wear special protective gear and there's a lot of beauty down here, but also some things that are trying to eat me. 

So all that is to say, that I'm going to try to get back to using this blog for a bit of reflection this next semester. But the tone will be a little different. I get local pushback and flack every time I dare to say something the slightest bit critical on this blog--toxic positivity is a real thing, folks. 

So, in the spirit of choosing my battles and only fighting those where there is hope of making change, I'll be less public about my criticisms and focus on tools and suggestions only here.