Monday, May 13, 2019

Things I Did Today That Aren't Teaching (all by 10:00 a.m.)

  1. Fixed a backpack zipper
  2. Found safety pins to repair a wardrobe emergency
  3. Listened to a long story about a rough weekend
  4. Fought the copier machine and won
  5. Fought the copier machine and lost
  6. Troubleshot four computer issues
  7. Diffused a potential fight
  8. Had a heart to heart with a kid about motivation and effort
  9. Organized the paperwork left after a day with a sub on Friday
  10. Answered two emails from worried parents (there are still 4 more waiting for later)
  11. Updated the grades for one class
  12. Debated what is lost vs. what is gained by having our students do most of their work on computers with a group of other teachers
  13. Provided missing school supplies for eight children
  14. Laughed at a bad joke I'd heard many times before
  15. Gave out a band-aid
  16. Translated the directions in a social studies assignment for a student who has LEP (limited English proficiency)
  17. Congratulated a student on a sports accomplishment I didn't quite understand, but knew she was proud of
  18. Provided extra copies of lost assignments to four students
  19. Supervised the hallway during four class transition times
  20. Helped a kid choose a new seat where she might be more productive
  21. Stopped a kid from spoiling Avengers Endgame for another kid who hadn't seen it yet; had a conversation about why that's rude and unkind. 
  22. Reassured a kid about a new haircut
  23. Cleaned new graffiti off a classroom table (luckily, they wrote in pencil: easy clean)
  24. Emptied the stinky garbage missed by the night cleaning crew
  25. Let a kid read me "the best part" of a book they're in love with
  26. Located the missing remote control for the projector
  27. Provided feminine hygiene products discreetly
  28. Hugged a kid who needed it
  29. Did deep breathing with a kid who needed to calm down
  30. Listened to a heartbreak story sympathetically
  31. Helped clean up a spilled water bottle and rescue the homework that was dampened
No wonder I'm tired by day's end. I've also taught three lessons so far today. Four more to go! 

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